
We are looking for individuals with backgrounds in Smart Building technology, Real Estate market research, underwriting, financial analysis, digital marketing strategy and advertising. 

Contact us for more information and send your resume/career objectives for consideration. We also have a limited number of internships available.


Frequently Asked Questions

Select answers to our most frequently asked questions.

What type of skills are you looking for in applicants?

We are constantly looking to hire, contract or collaborate with individuals with technology real estate research and digital advertising backgrounds.

How can I send you my resume?

Please send us your resume to

Can I schedule a call to discuss my background?

Yes, please send an email to and we will find mutually convenient time to discuss.

Where are the opportunities geographically located?

Recalibrate Capital is based in Metro NY.  We seek top talent and there are no boundaries.  We are a tech enabled firm and use technology to connect our team and to foster collaboration.

Are there any internships opportunities available?

Yes, we collaborate with a number of educational programs to provide internship opportunities. We also accept applications from individuals with appropriate skillsets for internship opportunities.